Woodturning - 2018 My Latest Endeavor

I have been intrigued by wood turning for years. 2018 is my year of creative endeavors: silversmithing, viking knitting, encaustic painting and wood turning. I have all the equipment for everything else, but will need to buy a wood lathe, grinder, woodturning tools, and lighting. This is not an expensive endeavor, but I would like to do this the right way. I have investigated everything that I need and it will cost about $1000. I have so many great friends who follow me as I make my way through this life and I thought of a way to include everyone in this project. By donating $25 or more, you will receive a hand-made honey dipper once the project is up and running. I am hoping to complete the set-up during this winter as it is a quiet time for me. Beekeeping will be staring up at the end of March and I would like to have some hours under my belt before then. I am truly blessed to have so many incredible people in my life. Thank you all for just being my friend.


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